Hi, there blog readers. I know it has been a while. We were all set to spend Pesach in The Hague and then at the last minute decided to go back to the states, where I was for most of April. It was so nice to be home with my family for the holiday. Both my brother and his wife and my sister, her husband and kids all came to my parents for the second days of the holiday. It was such a treat to have everyone together for a few days. It was nice to spend time with my second nephew who now could interact with you a bit more and was just learning to turn over. It was a great time home and arrived back May 2 and am now settling back in.
We made sure the first Sunday back to head over to the famous Keukenhof to see tulips. As many of you may know Holland is famous for its tulips, yet they only bloom a few months a year. Scott actually planted tulips outside our house and just as we left they were budding and when we came back they were dead already. Thankfully we are told they should come back next year. Keukenhof has all different types of tulip gardens. It is a very beautiful place and thankfully we were able to see some great flowers. I am attaching picture heres, so you can get the idea. The weather has been great here, so it was a lovely Sunday in the gardens.
We just booked our summer vacation, a cruise to the Eastern Mediterranean. We are so excited and the best part for me is that I have been dying to go to Pompeii, Italy and we were able to plan it that we could spend a day there. Look forward to a full report over the summer. We also have plans to go to Paris and Vienna. The European exploration continues . . .