Thursday, February 17, 2011

Some thoughts in February

Things have been very status quo here. We are basically settled in to the way of life and with the days getting longer and the sun starting to shine more, we feel ready for the spring and some more exploring of Europe. The weather has really been so great that I can’t complain. In the high 40’s, yes I still go by Fahrenheit, even though I can do the conversion from Celsius.

Today I happened to shop in a department store in the town center which I have never been to before. As I explored the kitchen goods, I found all the items you would find in Macy’s or Bed Bath and Beyond. They even had some of the brands. Again been so interesting to see that yes you can really buy most things you can buy in the states, you just have to know where to look.

I wanted to share the following story from last Sabbath. Scott and I went to the Rabbi’s house for lunch along with two of the elderly women in the community. We had heard that one of the women has lost all her family in the war, but that was the extent. I started talking to the other lady and she told me that she was hidden during the war and even though she went thru hard times, she can’t at all fathom the experience the other women had of making it thru Auschwitz and losing her entire family. Was so interesting because here was a woman who had experienced the war firsthand saying that her experience was nothing compared to others and how strong the other lady was in life. I hope to be able to hear more of their stories in our time here. Most people here don’t mind talking about it, but often it is the language barrier that is difficult.

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