So as we approached New Years Eve in The Hague, we were told that in the days preceding we would start to hear random moments of fireworks/firecrackers. This would culminate on New Years eve where all over the city people would set off their own fireworks. Unlike NY/NJ, this is not illegal in Holland. There are certain kinds of firworks/fircrackers which are illegal, but many can be purchased in stores all over the country. So true to form leading up to New Years, we heard some ramblings of fireworks. Then on Friday all over kids were setting off firecrackers. It was actually very scary to be outside. And when I say kids, I mean kids as young as 7 and 8. Such an odd cultural difference as this is such a dangerous act that is commonplace here. Friday night we walked to our friend’s house to celebrate New Years Eve. We heard some rambling of fireworks, but knew to expect a show at 12:00. At precisely 12:00, we went outside and it is hard to describe in words the scene. People all over were setting off fireworks and firecrackers. The sky was like the Fourth of July in the US. Some stupid people were even setting their Christmas trees and other assorted items on fire. It was a crazy scene. The fireworks lasted for almost an hour in constant succession, but then you heard them throughout the rest of the early morning hours. It was neat to experience, but it was a bit too crazy for my liking. I prefer to see fireworks set off by professionals. But at least I can say 2011 started off with a bang . . .
Happy New Years to all our dear friends and family!!!
Happy New Years to all our dear friends and family!!!
No kidding on that fireworks thing in Holland....it was scary out there. I discussed the Xmas tree burning thing with some co-workers and that is a tradition that is actually slowing down. I didn't see any of it but apparently it still happens. RPM