Friday, July 23, 2010

Yay we have a home in The Hague!!!

Today finished up the packing and watched some good ole TV as I knew the next few days would be TV less. The horror. Just kidding, I survived. Then prepared my big pre-fast meal. For those of you who may not know, this past week was the fast of Tisha Bav. This fast commemorates the destruction of the first and second Temple in Jerusalem. You can’t end or drink and is a day of mourning. You have to go to the synagogue and pray at night. Because sundown is so late here, the fast and services did not begin until after 10:00 pm. Scott did not feel well, so I went to services by myself. I got there at 10:15 and the lights were off. I guess in translation I got the times wrong. Then after a few minutes of waiting the Rabbi arrived, so was just us for a few minutes and slowly the people started arriving. There was actually a decent amount of men and a few women. It was a very meaningful service and then got home by midnight. Tuesday was our move day. It is not ideal to be moving on the holiday, but we had no alternative. This was the only available day that worked with the moving company and Scott’s schedule. At 8:00 am the movers arrived. First I was a bit worried as only two guys appeared, one small and scrawny and the other wearing fancy shoes. They started building this elevator like contraption outside our front window. Since most homes in the Netherlands have these windy stairs they rarely carry up furniture thru the stairs. Rather using this elevator like system they send it up to the second and third floors. I wish I took a picture, as it was so neat. Finally three other mean arrived to help with the move, which took 4 hrs. Whew. They just loaded up the boxes and we directed were they should go. They only had to carry up a few pieces to the third floor as they built the elevator only to the second. The movers helped to unpack the big items. So exciting to have all our stuff. Then the movers left and we returned to our temporary place as Scott had a huge work project to complete. I managed to fast as long as I could and was proud of myself. And of course wouldn’t be me if I didn’t break the fast on mac and cheese. Then Wednesday we got up early checked out of our temp place and moved in officially to our new home. I spent the next two days unpacking. Thankfully everything came in one piece. A few minor things broke, but nothing major. All the glass came in one piece. As I unpacked I realized we brought way to much crap and instead should have brought more food, but what can you do. So awesome to have all our stuff. We koshered our kitchen and last night made pancakes from our American pancake mix. Woohooo. We are now busy working on the unpacking and arranging. This weekend will be our first shabbos in our new home and we are very excited. Once we are complete with the unpacking some pictures will be posted. Again we have tons of extra space, so come visit.

1 comment:

  1. Where is my shout out for the package I sent you this week? :)
