Thursday, June 17, 2010

The week continues. . .

Wed- Quiet day reading all of the materials I got from the Expat office.

Thursday- Today was a very important day as we went to the bank to get a bank account set up. Woohoo now can get credit cards and start using a debit card. I have noticed that most places do not take American credit cards, which makes things a bit complicated. We were told that they are big on debit and not really credit, so you always have to make sure to carry around Euros. Very different from the US where people rarely carry cash and use credit for everything. We also set up all our insurances, so we are good to go, double wohooo!!!!

Then we were in the area of the store which sells the Mac and Cheese, so went back and bought some more and found some rice and other things which were on the kosher approved list. Yay, strawberry ices . . .. It is very hard to use the list as it is mostly in Dutch, with few English words, so now my job is to go and translate the book, so next time I can go to the store, I will be more prepared.

Then at night after Scott came home we went back to the town center as we needed passport pictures for our meeting tomorrow to get tax IDs. Then we walked around town and found out about cable packages. Yay they have DVR here and can get packages with many channels some of which are from the States, such as E! and History Channel. It was a special night on the town as all stores were staying open late until midnight. The streets were packed and lots of activity going on. As we explored we came upon an Asian supermarket and decided for some reason to go in. To our surprise they had many American products. We got Duncan Hines, microwave popcorn, chocolate syrup. This was so exciting. Maybe we won’t go hungry. Sure we won’t be eating healthy, but we won’t be starving.


  1. your pictures look just like a travel brochure

  2. You are too funny! I think you need to write a book. You will definitely give all the details needed to travel to Holland. Very informative.
    I enjoy reading your blogs in the mornings that I come into the office. Pictures are great!!
    Be well, Emily

  3. finally got to your blog. love reading about what you're doing. I'll show Suri how to get to it also as i'm sure she'll want to read all about your adventures. Be well, Harley
